Wholesale US

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We have removed the name and account information of this client to protect their privacy and IP. For the sake of this study, let’s just call them CS3. CS3 joined us back in January 2021 with their whole sale account in US. We are also managing their two other private label accounts as well (but this study only includes the wholesale account). At that time (Jan – Feb 2021), CS3 was getting average monthly sales $14000 from whole sale items.

Client Goals And Objectives

When CS2 joined us, they had these immediate 4 objectives for us:

  • Find more wholesale items to sell
  • Find more wholesellers and their databases of products and prices
  • Inventory tracking
  • Un-lock imp category like Grocery and foods

Since then, we have been able to meet all of the client objectives and have added many new lines to their product offerings. We have also added new suppliers and wholesalers to their list of suppliers. All of this has meant a marked increase in CS3 sales and profit margins as well as a more diverse and stable supply chain and product offering.

What did we do?

WE started off by implementing the following strategies;

  • Contact new brands and distributors and seek resale approvals
  • Aquire bulk price lists and scan these to identify profitable products
  • Place test orders
  • Based on results from test orders, integrate successful products into regular offerings.

All of our efforts have meant that over the course of the past 12 months, we have increased sales of CS3 by over 350%..

Sales history

  • Sales period – 1st Jan 2021 to 28th
    Feb 2021 (2 month) CS3 sales were
    $27,981.51. (an average of over $13k
    sales per month).
  • Sales period – 1st July 2021 to 31st Aug
    2021 (2 month) CS3 sales reached
    $55,574.06 (average monthly sales of over
    $27k per month)
  • Latest Sales period – 15th March
    2022 to 15th May 2022 (2 month)
    CS3 sales jumped to $89,055.83.
    average monthly sales of ($44.5k)

This study involves a private label account within the UK marketplace. See how we took this account from sales of £3k per month to over £40k per month within 12 months

This case study showcases our achievements for a US based private label account. Let us take you through the journey of taking this client account to growth of over 400%

This case study discusses the growth of a US wholesale account. Join us to see how we increased the sales of this account by 350%. We added more suppliers and diversified…

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